Automatic signing
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Automatic signature is possible only and exclusively as an EASY signature type (i.e. "Advanced" signature). It is also possible to sign with the same e-mail address (from which the document is ordered for signature), or from a different e-mail address that is assigned to the same Business Customer. Each of these e-mail addresses must be assigned access to the API (on the SIGNIUS side).
When ordering a document for signature (in the PUT method), you need to remember that the value of the "skipAccountCreation" parameter (for e-mail signing Automatically) must be set to "false".
Creates new signing session for selected documents. As a result documents are split into required number of signing batches, each of up to 20 files. Each of these batches has to be signed separatedly
The id of the document folder in which are placed documents being signed.
Identifiers of documents which will be signed during session.
Type of signature which will be placed during session.
Approval of Signius Terms and Conditions, have to be set to true to be able to create signing session.
Sign documents in batch using selected signature type.
Batch id
Signature type (for now only EASY is available)
Documents signature type